
Al-Shamalia organizes the “My Mother, My Love” festival on the occasion of International Family Day

The Northern Governorate organized a celebration on Thursday evening (March 23, 2017) on the occasion of Family Day under the slogan: “My Mother... My Love.” On this occasion, Governor Ali bin Sheikh Abdul Hussein Al-Asfour addressed words of praise and appreciation for spreading the meanings of love, compassion and peace in Bahraini society.

Al-Asfour noted the clear and distinctive activity of many civil institutions in various regions of the governorate, which commemorated Mother’s Day or Family Day in a civilized manner, which included many connotations that reflect the keenness of the organizers and participants, both citizens and residents, not to limit the meanings of the celebration to the outward appearance only, but rather to exchange feelings. And the feelings and gifts that express the high appreciation for the role of the mother, that entity that represents giving, loyalty, sincerity, and sacrifice, and the description was summarized by saying: “We are unable to appreciate our mothers, just as you are unable to fulfill the thanks of our fathers... Therefore, the easiest thing we can say to fathers, mothers, and families: God bless May your life be filled with goodness, happiness, health and hope.”

Al-Asfour met with a number of participants, both citizens and residents, who were keen to attend, where he spoke to them about everyone’s role in spreading the values and principles that we derive from our fathers and mothers and fortifying generations with these high values to become an asset for them in their lives, recommending the use of all modern technologies and social media to spread the culture of love and peace. .

On the other hand, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Acting Director of the Department of Social Programs and Community Affairs, Muhammad Saleh Darwish, said that the large participation of the public, especially mothers and children, represents an important pillar for us, and this was evident through their interaction with the objectives of the festival, which was launched with the participation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. , Northern Governorate Police Directorate, Bapco Health Promotion Committee, Aali Charitable Association, Aali Housing Charitable Association, Salmabad Charitable Association, Salmabad Charitable Housing Association, Jidhafs Secondary School for Girls, and included sections that were designed to allow participation, enjoyment and benefit for all groups, including: competitions and gifts. For family members, free games for children, free popular food, free medical examinations, a show for productive families, distribution of balloons for children and free face painting, and the festival concluded with honoring the participating parties, where the governor distributed certificates of appreciation to the participants.

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