
Applicants in “Al-Musalla” demand that “Housing” be fair to them in “Jidhafs Housing”

A number of housing applicants in Al-Musalla village demanded that the Ministry of Housing be fair to them in the Jidhafs housing project, in which the Ministry began distributing housing units during the past few days, stressing at the same time that the Ministry should follow unified standards in distributing the project, whether it is to the people of Jidhafs. Or any other area.

They confirmed that the housing project, which the Ministry is still working on establishing, is located within two residential complexes, the first in the village of Al-Musalla, and the other in the city of Jidhafs, stressing that “the Ministry is supposed to distribute the project to the people of the two villages by following one standard.”

They explained, during their interview with Al-Wasat, that the ministry distributed it to those who applied for housing in Al-Musalla until 1996, while it distributed it to the people of other areas until 1998, describing this as “unfairness to the people of Al-Musalla, especially since the project is located within one of the residential complexes in the village.” It is Complex 413.

For his part, Secretary of the Al-Musalla Charitable Society, Hassan Khamis, explained, “We had insisted on naming the project Al-Musalla Housing, but we were told that this was just a designation, and would not affect the project’s distribution process. However, things became clear, after the project was named the Jidhafs Project.” ...».

He explained that “the people of Al-Musalla received only 15 houses from the currently existing Jidhafs housing project, which includes approximately 320 housing units.”

He explained that “we were supposed to have priority in distribution, because the largest area of the project is located within the prayer hall,” noting that “in the first housing project in Jidhafs, the people of the prayer hall received only a small number of housing units in it.”

Khamis said: “If the Ministry of Housing had transparency and took seniority, they would show us the list of applicants who obtained units in the Jidhafs housing project.”

He stated, “The Northern Governorate conducted a survey on the villages’ needs for services, and we told them that among what the prayer hall needs is a housing project,” indicating that the total number of housing applications in the prayer hall does not exceed 100 housing applications.

He reported that they addressed the Minister of Housing, Bassem Al-Hamar, last February (2012), regarding the people of Al-Musalla’s entitlement to the Jidhafs project, but he did not respond to their letter, according to what Khamis reported.

Issa: I am over 50 years old and I have not had a house

Hajj Jamil Issa, who is over 50 years old and works in the field of agriculture, spoke about his condition, which he described as “exceptional,” explaining that “we are 4 married brothers, and we did not submit housing applications when we got married, and our main work is on the farm, and our applications were not submitted until late. Specifically in the year 2001.”

Issa said, “We live in one house, and each of us lives in one room, and if we do not get houses in the Jidhafs project, there is no hope of getting houses in any other projects.”

Issa appealed to the Minister of Housing to consider his exceptional situation with his brothers, especially after they have advanced in age, as I am over 50 years old and have not yet obtained a house.

Umm Muhammad: I appeal to the Supreme Council for Women to provide a home for my children

As for the citizen, Umm Muhammad, who lives in Jidhafs, and whose application dates back to the year 1996, she indicated that she is “a deserted woman, and my husband is outside Bahrain, and for 6 years I have been living in my father’s house, and my eldest son is 17 years old, and we live in one room in a house.” my father".

While she appealed to the Supreme Council for Women to consider her case and provide a home for her and her children, she stated that “our application has been frozen since 1996, and I tried to update my data at the Ministry of Housing, but they refused to do so, and told me that the application is frozen and will be considered after the month of Ramadan.” .

In addition, the two citizens, Muhammad Abd al-Rasoul and Jassim Muhammad, said that their housing request dates back to the year 1997, and they were hoping to obtain two housing units in the Jidhafs housing project, but the Ministry of Housing has not contacted them yet, asking it to quickly fulfill their housing requests, especially since they live in Two apartments for rent.

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