
The housing crisis leaves forgotten areas: Isa Town... and 6 villages in the “Northern”

Forty-one years after the establishment of the Ministry of Housing, a number of areas found themselves “forgotten,” according to the expression of their residents, in reference to the lack of construction of any housing projects in these areas.

Among those areas is Isa Town, and more than 6 villages in the Northern Governorate, in which old housing applications have accumulated, including those extending in some cases to the 1980s, as is the case with citizen Hussein Muhammad Kazem, who lives in the village of Aali and whose application dates back to The year is 1988.

For his part, social activist Mohammed Al Nuaimi, who spoke about the suffering of about 4,000 families in Isa Town due to the housing crisis, said that the housing crisis is at the forefront of the problems that residents suffer from.

For his part, Abdullah Al Qubaisi, a member of my municipality in the Southern Governorate, suggested to the Ministry of Housing that priority be given to the public housing projects it is currently implementing to those with old applications, in order to restore the balance that was disturbed by village extension projects.

In addition, the head of the Aali Charity Association, Adel Al-Sitri, said that Aali and the Aali housing area contain more than 2,000 applications.

As for Sadad, the small village that lives because of this, and because its people benefit from the Al-Malikiyah housing project, is in a less bad condition than a number of villages, as confirmations issued by the head of its charitable organization, Hussein Neama, indicate that the number of applications in Sadad is approximately 120 applications only, the oldest of which reaches the year. 2003, but he went on to say that no housing projects had been implemented in the village despite the presence of 4 lands prepared for that.

The housing crisis leaves forgotten areas: Isa Town... and 6 villages in the “Northern”
Diplomatic Area - Mohammed Al-Alawi

Forty-one years after the establishment of the Ministry of Housing, a number of areas in the Kingdom of Bahrain found themselves “forgotten,” according to the expression of their residents, in reference to the lack of construction of any housing projects in these areas, which led to a widening of the difference in waiting years between these areas. And other regions for more than 10 years.

Among those areas is Isa Town, and more than 6 villages in the Northern Governorate, in which old housing applications have accumulated, including those extending in some cases to the 1980s, as is the case with citizen Hussein Muhammad Kazem, who lives in the village of Aali and whose application dates back to The year is 1988.

The beginning of the conversation was with the social activist Mohammed Al Nuaimi, who spoke about the suffering of about 4,000 families in Isa Town with the housing crisis, pointing out that the housing crisis occupies the forefront of the problems faced by the people, and is their primary concern.

He added, “We are talking about an exemplary and forgotten area at the same time, despite its complex problems, and one of the reasons for this is the limited benefit of its people from any housing projects established in nearby areas, including the housing project in Zayed Town, whose units went to those outside Isa Town, despite Even though the project is located in the city itself.”

He also noted that the people of Isa Town are caught between two fires: the fire of the housing crisis on the one hand, and the fire of unwillingness to carry out sit-ins to prevent a clash with the ministry.

For his part, Abdullah Al Qubaisi, a member of my southern municipality for “Southern First,” suggested to the Ministry of Housing that priority be given to the public housing projects it is currently implementing to those with old applications, in order to restore the balance that was disturbed by village extension projects.

He added, "Nevertheless, the ministry must clarify its plan for the remaining requests. If we assume that its current public projects accommodated the requests of the people of Isa Town until the year 2003, how long will the rest have to wait?" Knowing that their applications have been waiting for 14 years,” he stressed at the same time that Isa Town today includes old applications dating back to 1996.

He continued, “The people rely a lot on the Ramli housing project, which is today the focus of attention in many areas, which means the need for a comprehensive view that is not limited to a specific number of applications, but must extend to all applications,” stressing the importance of abandoning favoritism and distribution according to a standard. Seniority.

From Isa Town, to the village of Aali and the Aali housing area, which the head of the Aali Charity Association, Adel Al-Sitri, says contains more than 2,000 applications, according to confirmations issued by the Minister of Housing, Bassem Al-Hamar, in his recent meeting with the residents.

In addition, Al-Sitri saw that Aali is undoubtedly one of the forgotten villages, despite its abundance of land, and demanded that its people be given priority in the Ramli project, saying, “It is unreasonable and unacceptable for requests to be met in areas until the year 2007, and in... “In other areas, some of their applications from the 1980s are still on a waiting list.”

As for Sadad, the small village that lives because of this, and because its people benefit from the Al-Malikiyah housing project, is in a less bad condition than a number of villages, as confirmations issued by the head of its charitable organization, Hussein Neama, indicate that the number of applications in Sadad is approximately 120 applications only, the oldest of which reaches the year. 2003, but he went on to talk about not implementing any housing projects in the village despite the presence of 4 lands prepared for that.

He added, “This was before two of the lands were converted into the interests of merchants, which were within the Green Belt, while the third land was converted into a private housing project, and the fourth is still awaiting activation of the Northern Municipal Council’s recommendation to expropriate it and build 52 residential units on it.”

In conclusion, the report monitored the conditions of 5 villages in the Northern Governorate, including the village of Buri, where the Ministry of Housing was limited to building 23 houses, which did not quell the anger of the people over the accumulation of about 500 housing applications.

In the same governorate, former member of my northern municipality, Hussein Al-Saghir, was talking about villages living in difficult conditions, including (Karana, Abu Saiba, Jannusan, Maqaba), where he said: “Until 2010, housing projects in these areas have come a long way, when they reached The ready-made designs stage, before everything stops and projects are cancelled.”

He added, “In Karrana, about 1,000 applications are sitting on a list

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